Saturday, June 13, 2009

The funniest thing I ever saw

The funniest thing I ever saw was when my brother-in-law, two sisters & brother came to visit me at my house.I took them to play golf. All of them dressed up like golfers. As soon as we reached by the golf course,they started taking pictures.One was holding golfstick,other's are standing by golfset. They wasn't interested in playing game at all. They were busy taking pictures.One british family finised their game and standing there. They asked my brother-in-law how much handcap are you? He was in trouble.He could'nt anwer that. He thought I don't have any problem with my hand and why he is asking me this question in his mind. He changed his that the person asked him how often do you play.Few times. Well, he is original from India and he lived in U.S for 10years so he has got some american culture. He is good in taking .He kept his conversation on. My husband went to drop his car at parking lot so he came back he started taking we those people. My brother-in-law said you have saved me.we laughed so much that day I,ll never forget that day. leena

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