Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Taste of Chicago.

On Thursday I had a very good time with my school friends. We went to the taste of Chicago. We decided to go because our teacher Corona told us about last level 4. She said she had a lot of fun with them.
We walked from the school to The Taste of Chicago. We walked around ten minutes. I really wanted to go because I went last Saturday with my cousin, and that was a lot of fun too. This is my opinion I could see some people didn’t want to go, and they went because they didn’t want to lose points.
I like to socialized with people, and improve my English. One of the things what I liked was hung out with Corona, Ben, and Eddie. I think we had fun than anyone in the class because we stood together to the end.
Another thing I liked was to ride the treadmill that was Corona’s idea to ride that thing. That was an exited thing. We took many pictures, on the treadmill, and all the way up we saw the city that was amazing. Then we decided to go to eat some.
Then we went to the fountain, there were horses we took picture we them, and more picture by the fountain. After that, there was circle with many people, we decided to go, and it was show of dancing, and flipping over that was a good entertainment for us. Then we went for more food because we were hungry. Everyone bought something to eat. One of the Fannies things was when Ben bought the big turkey leg. Everyone was making fun of that, but each of us beat the turkey leg, and a picture.
In the end of the day each of us was tired, and we decided to go home. One of things I really liked was hung around with Corona, Ben, and Eddie. I think we had a good time each of us, and we stood together to the end.
I’d repeat this experience next year because it is interesting to meet new people. Have fun with different kind of people, and make new friends.

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